
The U.S. Constitution FAQ – The U.S. Constitution Online – USConstitution.net

The U.S. Constitution FAQ


The U.S. Constitution On-Line has been online in one form or another since
1995. In that time, I have have had a lot of questions asked of me about the
Constitution. This page, and the ones it links to, are a compilation of the
best of those questions.

This page lists the questions in no particular order. You can also see the
questions grouped by subject and grouped by section of the Constitution. Also
available are answers to questions about the structure of or details about the
Constitution, and pointers to find the answer

Finally, after you explore the FAQ, you are welcome to ask your own
questions, either by emailing the Webmaster or by
posting a message to a Constitution Message Board.
Either way, I will answer your question to the best of my ability, and your
question may find its way here.

The National
has a Q&A page that is full of answers to questions about the
Constitution’s history and its mechanics. Check it out, too.

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These answers were written over a number of years – if you find out-of-date
information, please contact the Webmaster. These
answers were written by the Webmaster, and you can view his