
Who is Steve Mount? – The U.S. Constitution Online – USConstitution.net

Who is Steve Mount?


This site is increasingly being used as a source in research papers and
by debate clubs and the like, and in simple Internet disagreements.

As this site’s popularity grows, I have often been asked who writes the site,
whose opinions are expressed, and what my credentials or qualifications are.
I’m happy to provide these here. I have also created a page that details
how to cite this site.

Common Name: Steve Mount

Formal Name: Stephen J J Mount

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Photo Credit: Copyright (c) 2009 Taz Sidi

Title: Webmaster and researcher for USConstitution.net

Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, 1989, University of

Other formal learning: Constitutional Law, Community College of
Vermont, 1999 (audit)

Relevant Experience:
Reporter, Vermont Cynic, 1986-1987
News Editor, Vermont Cynic, 1987-1988
Managing Editor, Vermont Cynic, 1988-1989
Webmaster/Researcher, USConstitution.net, 1995-Present
Columnist, The Williston Observer, 2007-Present

Military Experience:
Vermont Army National Guard 1987-1992; tank loader, driver, gunner (M60A3).
Stationed: Det. 1 1/172nd HHQ, Swanton, Vermont; Basic training and AIT at
Fort Knox, Kentucky. Honorable Discharge 1992.

All research done for the USConstitution.net site was done by me. All
opinions are mine and mine alone, with the exception of messages posted by
others in the Message Board. A bibliography is

If there is anything more specific that you need to ask, please send a message to the Webmaster. My personal web page
can be found at SaltyRain.com.

Who I am not

There are several other Steve Mounts in the world. One is a genetics
researcher at the University of Maryland; another is a microbiologist in the
UK; there is a District Attorney in California; an Internet marketer from
Virginia; and a colonel in the Wyoming Air National Guard. None of these Steve
Mounts are me. If you need to be specific, please add my middle initials or
note that I am from Vermont.