
USConstitution.net 1998 Survey Results – The U.S. Constitution Online – USConstitution.net

USConstitution.net 1998 Survey Results


This site has conducted an unscientific survey on various issues since July
of 1998. The results, while interesting in most cases, are to be taken with a
grain of salt – the results can easily be skewed by an individual or group of
individuals; the sample is, by nature, not representative (because it consists
only of Web users who visit my site and bother to view the survey page and
submit an opinion).

This page includes results from 1998. For results from other years, please
go to the Main Results Page.

Question 6, December 1998 – Given the religious basis for
Christmas, some have suggested that having December 25 be a federal holiday may
be a violation of the first amendment. What is your opinion?

Response Count Percentage
It is a violation, and we should change it 51 9.71
It is a violation, but there’s little point in changing it 132 25.14
Leave it alone 342 65.14
Total 525 100.00

Question 5, November 1998 – Recent elections in the United
States reflect a low percentage of registered voters actually voting, and an
even lower percentage of all eligible voters actually voting. Should the
Constitution be amended to allow the implementation of compulsory voting?

Response Count Percentage
No 148 78.31
Yes 41 21.69
Total 189 100.00

Question 4, October 1998 – The Framers had a specific
meaning to “high crimes and misdemeanors” – an action that directly affects the
strength of the nation. But the Constitution allows the phrase to be
interpreted any way the current congress wishes. Should we rely on the
Framers’ meaning, or interpret it any way we wish?

Response Count Percentage
Interpret it at will 114 41.61
Look to the Framers’ interpretation 160 58.39
Total 274 100.00

Question 3, September 1998 – Would we be better off if we
had a six-year single-term President, such as Mexico, or should we stick with
our four-year, two-term President?

Response Count Percentage
Stay with Four 308 69.53
Go to Six 135 30.47
Total 443 100.00

Question 2, August 1998 – Does the U.S. Flag need
Constitutional protection?

Response Count Percentage
No 166 69.46
Yes 73 30.54
Total 239 100.00

Question 1, July 1998 – How did you come to this site?