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Copying USConstitution.net Files

Because many of the files at this site are HTML copies of important documents in United States history, direct copying of some of the files to other Web sites is permitted. There are a few steps that Webmasters must take before copying any of the files, however. Please read the steps carefully and only copy the files if you can abide by these rules.

First and foremost, I do not own the copyright on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, nor the Articles of Confederation, nor any of the historical documents contained on this site. However, I do own the copyright to the HTML-enhanced copies of these documents contained in this site. Each page has a copyright notice to that effect on the bottom of the page. In other words, I own the page.

There is no restriction on linking to HTML and text files on this site. If you wish to link to any file, you may do so. If you cannot abide by the copying rules, I suggest sticking to links, or grab the Plain Text Version I have made available, and mark it up with HTML yourself.

Note that because of the size of image files, linking to images stored on this site is prevented with server-side commands. If you attempt to link to an image on this site, you will only see a blank image.

I grant the ability of any Webmaster to copy some of the files on this site for their own use, with some restrictions. Only the files listed may be copied. Any file not listed may be used only with the express permission of the Webmaster.

The following files may be copied:

The files copied may not be altered except in the following ways:

In particular, the following must be retained:

Any of the images found on the USConstitution.net Banners Page can be copied and used freely.

Any of the historical documents contained on the Historical Documents Page may be copied by using only the text of the document. Several have comments at the beginning which may not be used without permission.

If you have any questions about these rules, please contact the Webmaster.

To summarize:

As noted above, direct linking to any image on the site is forbidden. If you do so, you will see, instead, a graphic which reminds you not to steal bandwidth. This step is necessary to ensure that our bandwidth is not exceeded by unauthorized links to our images.

If you wish to link to an image, you do so indirectly by linking instead to a special file I have created for each image. For example, if an image is named "cpage1.jpg", you can link to a special file called "i_cpage1.html". This will allow your users to see the image with no background or other adornment. Each such page includes a link to the images page.

Example code: <a href="//www.usconstitution.net/i_cpage1.html">Click here to see page 1 of the Constitution!</a>

The following sites are using the files from this site. You can visit them to see how they have conformed to the guidelines above.

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URL: //www.usconstitution.net/constcopy.html